My New Control | Teen Ink

My New Control

February 16, 2015
By Shalaela BRONZE, Oronog, Missouri
Shalaela BRONZE, Oronog, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look for me in the crowd. I'll be waiting for you."

I can't control who I am


When you tell me who to be

I want to say no

When you tell me what to do

I want to scream no

When you tell me how to live my life

I will tell you I won't


You are a parent to me

Nothing more, nothing less

Someone ment to guide me

Not somoene who is to tell me how my life is going to be

You don't get to make my choices

You don't get my life to live

Just because you gave yours away


So what you didn't finish highschool?

So what you had a baby at 17?

So what you made bad choices?

My choices aren't yours

My choices aren't yours


You can't blame me for your mistakes

You don't get to blame my birth 

It was your choice to get in that car that night

With him, with her

You chose each other

Now, I choose 


I will go where I want in life

I will do what I want in life

I will live and laugh and fall hopelessly in love

Because you don't get to choose any longer

It's my life

I'm going to live it


I control who I am.

The author's comments:

My parents have always been controlling of who I am, it's my turn to control where I go from here.

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