To Pass a Yardline | Teen Ink

To Pass a Yardline

February 18, 2015
By ElvenBard BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
ElvenBard BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Timid, shy
Chins up! Be a snob!
Pass the line on four
Look up
Pass the line on four
Notice your right
Wheels spinning, blinking, turning
Balloons of yellow, parasols of white
It’s the fair, oh happy day!
Awestruck, big lights
Don’t look at the jumbotron!
Whatever you do…don’t look!

It’s alright
I’ve got this!
Serious now… it’s not a fair
You’re trapped now
Behind the copper gates
Pass the ticks on 2, look up, pass the line on 6, look up
Plie, straighten, plie, straighten
Look up, look forward, look up
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
The crowd goes wild!

Eye watches
Bent legs
Project! Be proud!
Lessons on slithering
Teeth bared to a hiss
Look up, pass the line on 1, look up, pass the line on 2, look forward, tick mark, tick mark, tick mark
Come forth! You are on display! Don’t be late!
Begin the Danse for us!
Far away, we are lost
Gravel under foot, smile upon face
To the stadium! Away!

Cat to kittens, duck to ducklings
Come, let us hurry!
We mustn’t be late!
Take me by the hand, and I will lead you.
You are all behind! Listen back!
Dut dut dut dut five and six
Stately now! Royalty you are!
Sceptors of jewels crowned
Flutter step look up go right look up look forward tick mark tick mark tick mark look up see them wave one two three four five six seven eight look up look forward watch your right line here line there a echelon line up with that take a kneel they watch from the side but I don’t care bow your head come up again tick mark tick mark tick mark one two three four five six seven eight dut dut dut dut high step high step high step release horns down
Tilt in frenzy, we run for our lives
Take long strides, else never will you end
Nightfall, rainfall
Trudge together, always together
Play together, move together
The gong sounds my last farewell
Tap, tap, tap…tap, tap, tap…tap, tap, tap…tap…tap…tap

The author's comments:

My four years in high school marching band described by year. The first part of each section presents the show theme and my overall thoughts and role during that year. The middle part describes what goes through my mind as I march the show. The last part alludes more to the show theme and other miscellaneous aspects of each year. 

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