Disenchantment | Teen Ink


February 20, 2015
By Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
44 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beauty was the necessity of this world,

Where the forest was alive,
The plains were golden,
The sky as blue as a robin’s egg,
And the world as bright as can be.

But there was one thing that was ugly,
Vile and disgusting on the outside,
Covered in warts and pockmarks and boils,
Skin flaking off from rot and decay,
Over as wicked as can be just be looking at it.

But inside this creature was kind-hearted,
Its emotions sympathetic and warm,
Its morals high and just,
Its obligations to help and be useful,
And within it was more beautiful than the entire world.

But no one bothered to look within the shell of ugliness,
No one bothered to look deeper,
To see who this creature was really all about,
So it was outcast and mocked,
Which showed this world wasn’t as beautiful as it first appeared after all.

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