Sun-Kissed | Teen Ink


February 20, 2015
By Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
44 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh sunshine,

So warm and orange on my skin,
Kiss my cheeks,
And heat up my heart.

Oh sunshine,
Herald of the day,
Bringer of light,
Shine inside my heart.

Oh sunshine,
The start of the summer days,
Ender of the night,
Bring warmth into my heart.

Oh sunshine,
So perfect and round in the sky,
A blazing ball of light that is the day,
Brighten up my heart.

Oh sunshine,
You are my sunshine,
The only thing I need,
If only you had a heart.

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