Looking Back | Teen Ink

Looking Back

February 24, 2015
By gcw23 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
gcw23 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At birth, being named after my great-grandmother,
At age two, being curious at all the little things in life,
At age four, being able to experience my first airplane flight,
At age six, starting my Catholic education in kindergarten,
At age eight, experiencing the ups and downs of friendships and life,
At age ten, enjoying my life as a dancer and volleyball player,
At age twelve, being one age closer to becoming a teenager,
At age fourteen, being able to start my high school experience,
And now, at age sixteen, looking back on my life so far,
I realize that life is short and to always make the most of it. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about me looking back on certain events and times in my life that help me realize how fast time goes by. 

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