Lets Trade | Teen Ink

Lets Trade

February 21, 2015
By CountryGurl2680 SILVER, Auburndale, Florida
CountryGurl2680 SILVER, Auburndale, Florida
5 articles 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" I may not NEED you but i WANT you really badly "

Maybe we should witch roles

in this game of yours that is

you will smile and laugh

when your with me 

and youll think its true

that we are meant to be.


Maybe ill be Mrs.Right in you eyes

and youll just be another hero of mine

or maybe ill use the words "other half".


But then one day

i think its time to say goodbye

ill watch you cry.


Because i took your role

and you took mine

maybe just maybe 

youll think twice before 

you "try to be nice".

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