The Queen's End | Teen Ink

The Queen's End

March 2, 2015
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

I sit afar a low lite star,
My life now has small meaning.
The glass in my hand,
The last thing left that stands,
That she has ever left me.

They tell me to move on,
That everythings okay,
But these words continue to hurt me.
They tell me she left,
Without much to say,
But she wants us all to be happy..

I sit too far, a trembling star,
One without her light to reflect me.
My heart is broken,
A hole left open,
In my chest hollowed and morning.

They tell me I helped,
By my words so sweet,
And let her stay longer than planned.
But if she stayed for me,
Then why did she leave,
And leave me here still crying.

I sit afar, a broken star,
In a world cruel and destructive.
A world with too much hate
And pain to stay,
Because she died that day and it kills me.

The author's comments:

November 17th, 2014. My best friend and the girl I wrote about in my poem "Tree of Waters" commited suicide. It's unclear as to why she did it but it's something I've been dealing with for a while now. I miss her every day, and am glad I got to talk to her before she left.

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