Darkness Unknown | Teen Ink

Darkness Unknown

March 1, 2015
By KaraPiquet GOLD, Central Square, New York
KaraPiquet GOLD, Central Square, New York
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is never too late to be who you might have become.
-George Elliot

As I lay
In sorrow I stay
For the heart that’s in my chest
Has surely been put to rest
And my fears have been played
The ocean currents disarrayed

I wish you could know
The rain I want to show
I’d give up forever
To live without this never
And be with you
The lover I never knew

A different kind of pain
Without you I’m slain
Buried beneath a single grain of sand
Yet I feel as if I’m not on land
And I drift, tired of fighting
I no longer want to be the lightning

Still I lay
For my sorrow is the only way
And the heart that’s in my chest
Has colors that are no longer best
My fears will always be played
In this dark, my soul will never be allayed

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