Wildflowers | Teen Ink


March 5, 2015
By CassidyWalsh SILVER, Big Lake, Minnesota
CassidyWalsh SILVER, Big Lake, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody says
they want to be a weed.
“They are stronger than the flowers,”
but not everyone can see.
They say, “I want independance,”
but they’re hiding what they feel.
They just want to be accepted,
and that, I know, is real.

“But a weed is so free!”
That’s what they’ve concluded,
but again, they do not see,
because flowers are just diluted.

Somewhere there is a field of wildflowers,
full and vibrant and free.
It is full of beauty and life,
But again, they do not see.
Most people want the daisy,
Even those who insist they want a weed,
They don’t find beauty in a confined flower,
but they don’t know they are also confined,
“But a weed is so free!”
We are all confined- flowers and weeds together,
confined to this skin,
this set of bones,
this mindset,
but there is so much beauty within this skin,
more beauty than a field of wildflowers.

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