Standstill | Teen Ink


March 6, 2015
By kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here we are once again.
But where is here this time?
In this standstill.
So you’re just done?
I never said that.
You never did anything to prove me wrong.
What should I do?
Say that we’ll make it?
We will.
Don’t you love me?
I do.
Are you sure?
Why wouldn't I be?
Because you don’t.
Why are you saying this?
Because it’s true.
I never said that.
You never denied it either.
I’m so sorry.
Me too… Me too

The author's comments:

People are constintley telling me things to appease me. But I am done with that, I just need people to be honest. Then we will all be able to move on with our lives.

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