The Kettle | Teen Ink

The Kettle

March 18, 2015
By Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tonight, I was alone
and the peering sky was hard to hold
onto. The enchanted dark
sky still felt like I would die
and I was reaching out for another life,
but then a roaring scream came from the kettle.

Before I begin, I stopped the kettle
from screaming, yet that sound made me feel less alone.
Why has this scream changed me? I want to live
and it feels like I still have something to hold
but before I die,
I need to remember this place before it goes dark.

I pray for light because I am surrounded by darkness.
My only friend has merely ever been this kettle
which I will miss when I die.
I’ll feel lost, alone
and I’ll miss the warmth it gave when I held
onto it with all of my life.

I want to bring it when this life
ends with a dark
cage that will hold
my rage. This kettle,
I’ve realized, was alone
as well and maybe it wants to die.

Can inanimate objects die?
Are they happy with life?
I’ve gone mad from being alone
and my thoughts are not prepared for this darkness.
I want this kettle
in my hand to hold.

Maybe I need someone to hold
me as I die,
but this kettle
is more than enough and all of my life.
I can see the dark
room enclosing on me, alone.

This kettle will not hold
me and I am okay with being alone before I die
because life is nothing without darkness.

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