The dark blue night | Teen Ink

The dark blue night

March 23, 2015
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sing to the sky gods
For tonight they have blessed me
l saw the most beautiful moon
Accented by a single shining star
l couldn’t take my eyes off of it
Like clouds billowing out behind trees
lt took my breath away
Like a deep red rose
lt followed me at every turn l took
Threatening to disappear
l felt my whole body fill up with joy
All from the beautiful moon and star
They made me smile and cry
They made me shiver and sweat
I never wanted to leave the sight of them
And the star wasn’t like the one someone
Taught me to draw in grade school
With the perfect lines
lt was the kind of star that twinkled
And had no particular shape
Moving it’s lines in and out
And the moon was the shape of
A crescent roll on a Sunday morning
Barely there
But those were the only things
Lighting up the dark blue sky

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