Morning | Teen Ink


March 27, 2015
By OkumuraYumi SILVER, Kemah, Texas
OkumuraYumi SILVER, Kemah, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I bleed myself to be your drink: Is not the blood of poets -- ink? (William Soutar)

Dark and dim, 

Everywhere is black.

The smell of things stale

And of things made new..


A wettness is under my feet;

I'm standing on a thousand tiny blades 

And I shift my weight.


Suddenly, a fire

Rises in the East!

Violent explosions and restless

Energy warm my face.


I feel a doleful ache in my stomach 

Like an empty chasm --

Hunger pains.


The fire blinds me and

My feet are slick and

I am hungry

For something


The author's comments:

I stood in my front yard one morning before school and I experienced the blinding of the sun, the wet dew between my toes, and the piercing hunger pains. It was beautiful and raw, and I captured the words almost immediately.

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