Always Wish and Do Good for Others | Teen Ink

Always Wish and Do Good for Others

March 29, 2015
By SizzlingDiamond BRONZE, Kountze, Texas
SizzlingDiamond BRONZE, Kountze, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Always wish and do good for others
Even if the World turns cruel
Soon you will be one of the greatest person to ever be known
Because the evil will fall and the good will rise

The author's comments:

My name is Saniya and I'm 13 years old. What inspired me to write this poem is that there will be times where some people will turn cruel towards you, and then you start wishing and doing bad stuff for them. But, that doesn't help anything, it just make the other person want to be more cruel towards you. However, if you face it with a smile and wish and say good stuff to them. Then that person will soon realise that whatever they were doing was wrong and they will start treating you right. They will also get inspired from you.

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