Surviving Every Day | Teen Ink

Surviving Every Day

April 2, 2015
By Aaron24 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Aaron24 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you have never failed, you have never pushed yourself hard enough

A distant light slowly rises,
it’s time to get up, and start the day.
Survive, survive, survive.
Hunger’s common, but it will fade.
Prey’s spotted, moving in the distance.
Survive, survive, survive.
Stalking its prey, creeping closer.
The prey’s unbeknownst to what lurks near.
Survive, survive, survive.
Closer and closer, it stalks the beast.
The prey looks up, but nothing is wrong.
Survive, survive, survive.
It’s time to cleanse the hungering desire.
Take down the prey and live another day.
Survive, survive, survive.
Charging through the shadows, a figure unseen.
Striking the prey, finishing it in one move.
Survive, survive, survive.
The hunger dissipates, time to rest.
Head towards home, as others hunt me.
Survive, survive, survive.
Lying back down, for the next day,
thinking, I have lived, another day.
Survive, survive, survive.
Closing eyes, the light disappears.
Tomorrow it restarts, and I will hunt again.
Survive, survive, survive.

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