Dirt and Clouds | Teen Ink

Dirt and Clouds

April 19, 2015
By sydthekidblah BRONZE, Imperial, Pennsylvania
sydthekidblah BRONZE, Imperial, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let school get in the way of your education."
-Mark Twain

Bare feet, free spirit, toes rooted in the dirt
with the wilderness
some rarely do flirt.

The sun it comes down
a burning scorching play
on the skin of a freckling clown.

Orbiting around on bluish green earth,
stars come and go
their death and rebirth.

To hope to amount to their beauty
a sparkling rose.
But nothing goes untouched, untainted, free
I suppose.

Look to the left or the right
and under your nose.
You just might
find that you childish splendor
you have out grown.

Take notice for the sick and depraved.
Don’t bury your head
you silly young babe.
Don’t become lost and down and dazed,
like a faun blinded
by the times that are a blaze.

Thousands and millions try to unite
and do what what they do, what they think right.
They try to combat them,
with swords and their ink.
They think they have a chance,
they think they just might.

They fall and they burn and the loose
what they saw,
their voices their lives and mostly their hope.

Fall to their knees
washed up on the sands,.
Standing alone, dumbed down, and tear in their eyes,
they they seem so lost,
miles apart,
like stars in the wandering dark.

Don’t worry, don't look,
don't cry yourself to sleep,
don't get washed by the tide.
Keep your feet in the dirt
and head in the sky.

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