What I Am | Teen Ink

What I Am

April 22, 2015
By Anonymous

I am five years old the first time I climb a tree.
I am five years old the first time I played soccer.
I am five years old the first time I make a mud pie.
I am five years old when I get my first bike.
I am five years old the first time my sister says she hates me.
I am five years old. I am a child. I am happy, I am growing, and I am loved. I am experiencing new things every day. I am letting others words roll off my back easily.
I am eight years old the first time I go camping.
I am eight years old the first time I ride a two-wheeled bike.
I am eight years old the first time I bake.
I am eight years old the first time I read.
I am eight years old the first time I beat my brothers in a basketball game.
I am eight years old the first time my mother tells me I’m fat.
I am eight years old. I am growing, I am changing, and I am learning something new all the time. I am trying to be happy.
I am 11 years old the first time my brothers say I can’t play because im a girl.
I am 11 years old the first time my mother teaches me how to sew.
I am 11 years old the first time I fly a kite.
I am 11 years old the first time I write a poem.
I am 11 years old the first time I see Wall-e.
I am 11 years old the first night I fall asleep without my dad home.
I am 11 years old the first time my brother says the divorce is my fault.
I am 11 years old the first time I skip a meal.
I am 11 years old the first time I consider running away from home.
I am a tween. I am confused. I am sad, though I try not to be. I am changing. I am scared of change. I am trying to believe I am loved.

I am 13 years old the first time I break a bone.
I am 13 years old the first time I have a birthday party.
I am 13 years old the first time my father says he’s getting remarried.
I am 13 years old the first time I cut myself.
I am 13 years old the first time I think of suicide.
I am 13 years old the first time I stop praying.
I am 13 years old. I am supposed to still be a child. I am trying to grow and learn and experience new things. I am 13 and I am playing mediator between my parents. I am 13 and I can’t get happy.
I am 16 years old the first time I try to kill myself.
I am 16
I am still a child
I am a child who hates my life
I am a child who thinks it would be easier to die than to live
I am a child who can’t remember the last time I smiled
I am a child who can’t wear a bikini, because rather than cut on my arms I choose my stomach.
I am a child who can’t take it anymore.
I am 16 when I look at the picture of my brothers and I at the beach.
I am 16 when my little brother knocks on my door asking me to play with him.
I am 16 when I eat ice cream again for the first time in 3 years.
I am 16 when my brother and I play soccer with each other.
I am 17 when I stop counting calories.
I am 17 when I stop cutting myself routinely.
I am 17 when I get straight A’s.
I am 17 when I go to another country.
I am 17 when I start my senior year.
I am a child who suddenly feels like the whole world is at my fingertips.
I am 18 when I learn how to make a ceramic pot.
I am 18 when I get my driver’s license.
I am 18 when I graduate.
I am no longer a child, but I have the child-like belief that I can do anything.
I am no longer a child, but I am happy.
I am no longer a child, and I still have hard days.
I am no longer a child, yet there are days when my veins scream to be opened.
I am no longer a child, but there are days when I can’t eat.
I am no longer a hurting child, but I am freer.
I am not a child, yet not an adult.
I am healing.
And this is recovery.

The author's comments:

Recovering from depression, eating sdisorders, and self-harm has been the  longest and hardest battle of my life. The best advice I could give anyone is this: Somewhere inseide of you is an eight year old child who believed in themselves, If you can't fight this battle for you, or for me, you fight it for them. Dont let them down. 

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This article has 5 comments.

on Apr. 25 2015 at 4:35 pm
CountryRose GOLD, Goshen, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wanna be a girl that when I get out of bed
in the morning Satan says "Oh crap she's up!"

You are a beautiful writer. I can't say I relate to everything but I know how it is to play mediator between divorced parents like you said and it's great to know that I am not alone. Keep writting you are amazing!!

on Apr. 24 2015 at 8:12 am
ijusthavealotoffeelings SILVER, West Lafayette, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"these are my letters to the world, that never wrote to me"-Emily Dickinson

Thank you so much! I'm sorry you've gone through anything that could make you relate, but thank you so much for the encouragement. :)

on Apr. 24 2015 at 8:11 am
ijusthavealotoffeelings SILVER, West Lafayette, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"these are my letters to the world, that never wrote to me"-Emily Dickinson

Thank you so much!! I'm sorry you can relate, but I'm glad that other people can understand my work.:) Stay Strong, Love!

on Apr. 23 2015 at 9:49 pm
Steph-snake GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person"-Gerard Way ♥

I love this poem, i can relate and i'm so proud of you for recovering >) Stay strong

on Apr. 23 2015 at 2:20 pm
Mink_Matrix GOLD, Iola, Kansas
13 articles 6 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't trust words. I trust actions.

This was amazing. I relate extremely well to your work. Keep it up. :)