Family | Teen Ink


April 25, 2015
By Hailey1998 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hailey1998 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mom and Dad:
Lessons and naggings..they pay off, don't they?
You guys are my ride or die
There is no getting rid of you
Family: I love you
Friends come and go
You're the ones that will always come first
The ones I will always go to
  Dad: My hero and My only dad
Mom: My best friend and My Only mother
I upset you but we get through those and we fix these things 100%
There is no running from our fear and problems
I will come to you whenever I need you
  You guys are all I need...
I love you guys so much 

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