The Past | Teen Ink

The Past

April 26, 2015
By the.hash.slinging.slasher BRONZE, Mohnton, Pennsylvania
the.hash.slinging.slasher BRONZE, Mohnton, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just because someone looks happy, doesn't mean they are because every white rose has a black shadow" (Unknown)

Slamming doors,
Screaming names,
More doors.

A little girl is under her covers,
Crying for help.
She is scared,
She doesn't like
Seeing or hearing

One last door slams.
He's gone.
He left her


Her mommy comes to her.
Swollen eyes.
She doesn't know where he is
Or where he is going
But she does know
He isn't coming back.


That girl, 
Is me.

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