man of wisdom | Teen Ink

man of wisdom

April 30, 2015
By thelifeline117 SILVER, Rocky Point, North Carolina
thelifeline117 SILVER, Rocky Point, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the life of lovers entwine fates hand dealing massive blows when people break and cities fall heart broken and lonley man of wisdom did entwine with a maiden with a heart of gold the young maiden saying come man of wisdom come love me like no other sing to me man of wisdom sing to me like no other lay with me man of wisdom lay with me

for man could not resist the temptation of the young maiden. even the man of wisdom could not resist.

this maiden alive yet dead

human but not human

an adultress of the devil

in love but no in love

let no man fall into temptation with the young maiden

dont do it man of wisdom dont do it

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