This is me | Teen Ink

This is me

April 29, 2015
By AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

The struggles
The pain
They all add up
I worry
I cry
I get angry
I scream
I curse
These are all apart of me
I’m confused
Going back and forth
Weighing the options
Yes or no
Bi or straight
Judging myself
All I do
Feeling awkward
Dyeing inside
Living in a haze
Fog filling my brain
Blurred is my line of sight
Blinded by how I feel
Not knowing what to do
Running over and over
Through my brain a whirlwind
Words never making sense
Flying in my head
One after the other
To fast to process
Watching others be happy
Confused why I can’t figure it out
Scared to tell people
Scared to be honest
With myself
With everyone else
Confusion is all I feel
Talking doesn’t help
It only makes it worse
Don’t want to do this on my own
But don’t know how to ask for help

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