Not Some Ordinary Yo-Yo | Teen Ink

Not Some Ordinary Yo-Yo

April 28, 2015
By Samantha Metcalf BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
Samantha Metcalf BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coming up, coming down
spiraling all around.
A nauseating, thrilling, yet terrifying
rickety cart speeding through a fanatic crowd,
roaring below your dangling feet.
Clickety, clickety, clickety clack
the roller coaster stops at the top of the world when suddenly,
your heart rapidly races down to your feet
while a bundle of butterflies buzz in your stomach.
Swiveling, zooming, taking you up and down
as though you’re trying to keep up with the vigorous wind.
Yet the twists, turns, ups and downs
can be found at the toy store right around the block.
A thrilling adventure packed up with you
and taken right to your bedroom.
You take the string and finger it so your yo yo is
twirling over itself repeatedly.
The yo yo gradually comes to a stop at the tippity top,
then bursts into action again,
coming up, coming down
spiraling all around.
Spinning around and around like a roller coaster.

The author's comments:

I love writing poetry because I enjoy being creative and sharing my work with others. My goal is for the reader to be inspired after reading this because I love putting a smile on someones face/ inspiring them to write their own poetry, it's the biggest compliment to me!

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