Awake At 2AM | Teen Ink

Awake At 2AM

May 12, 2015
By Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses.

It's said "We grow from the sun and feel from the moon"
But the night time sky is what helps me grow.
Because the stars are my friends.
At 2 AM when my thoughts of the world and how it works are the only things keeping me awake they keep me company and comfort me, whispering "It's ok, don't cry"
But I'm not the only one because it's said that 2 AM's were made for poets. Lovers/Writers. Visionaries. Photographers. Painters. Over thinkers. Silent seekers.
Like William C. Hannan said. "Sometimes all you can do is lie in bed and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart"
As we stare at the ceiling and let the demons that are insecurities and self doubt take over.
"You're ugly" "You're worthless" "You're too stupid to comprehend"
Because we are the day dreamers and night thinkers who are afraid to live.
Not doing what we want because we fear the criticism of others.
But also afraid to die because we didn't live enough when we had the chance.
What a way to exist.
We are the people who procrastinate saying "Oh I'll do it at 5" then 5 becomes 8 and 8 becomes "I'm too tired" then "I'm too tired" becomes tomorrow and finally tomorrow becomes the due date.
But trust and believe when we do get it done it is the best work you've seen.
And although we search the world for  our other half and see possibility in every "Hello"
Love is not all we need despite what the Beatles said.
So when you're staying up late thinking about what's wrong instead of what's right
The freckles that you try so desperately to hide he thinks is a kiss from every angel in the sky, the eyes you think are too dark she thinks hold the secret of the universe.
Know you're not alone.
But do know this, you are a work of art that not everyone will understand but the ones that do will never forget about you.

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