At the Buzzer | Teen Ink

At the Buzzer

May 10, 2015
By Justin03 BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
Justin03 BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As the starters parade out, the crowd starts to cheer,
Hoping that they have nothing to fear.
Dribbling, passing, shoes squeak on the floor.
The fans urge them on, willing a score.

Layups and buzzer-beaters and alley oops,
All shots are followed by great big whoops.
Now on the defense, the coach starts to doubt
“Rebound, steal, reject them!” he shouts

The score is tied, shots thrown askew
Fans fiddle with team shirts, their fingernails chewed
The ball is thrown, hopes high for one last chance.
The rim squeaks, the buzzer rings… the team will advance!

Now it is done - they’ve gained the fame.
This team has won its last, fateful game.

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