Poems | Teen Ink


May 14, 2015
By Collin Stone BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Collin Stone BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From Past to Present

Old men look to the future
With a frown.
Because it is different than the past,
I look to the future
With a smile.
Because it is different than the past.


The Night Sky

The moon rose, and all it touched, fell in light
The stars, that once penetrated the night sky.
Were gone in the glow of man.
When the cities were gone, the light returned.
In all their glory, once again.
The stars came, and all it touched, fell in light.



How simple a thing is light?
A form  defined by a frequency, an amplitude, and a phase.
Or perhaps a mass, a volume, and a velocity.
Perhaps it is both?
Whatever it is I thank it,
for bringing color into my life.
Literally and figuratively.

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