Old Habits | Teen Ink

Old Habits

May 15, 2015
By linneahart33 SILVER, Spring, Texas
linneahart33 SILVER, Spring, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
-Be happiness itself-

I can feel the wind sliding
past my check and whipping
through my hair,
separating each strand and lock
to create a scrambling mass
above my head, flying back
around the headrest.

The top off, allowing rays of sun
to hit my face and spread
across my body,
the silver-tan tank roars past
each neighbor seeming too slow
for the exhilaration we feel.

My head turns with a quick whip,
following the streets of neighborhoods
and doorways to shops
that meet us and are zooming behind
in the distance the next moment.

Each familiar structure is now a blur
of pale colour against
the tall greens far away
and bright blue
and scorching yellow
we chase.

Roasted flesh and sweet smoke
fills the air with every other mile,
the sign of family bonding
and youths soaking in the mild,
still air of summer.

For others just down the street,
the falling night is racing and racing
with lust and curiosity.

I trace the strawberry locks
at the nape of his neck
and the burst of weightless energy
I know so well invades my chest
as he tosses a flirtatious glance
my way.

At each stop light,
I am reminded of the taste
his lips allow –
soft with light, simple sweetness
and the promise of care.

The echoes of horns change to chirps
as the festivities of the day
make room for all adventures
the night brings.

Parked to gaze at the splattered galaxy,
the absence of responsibility
or appointment in the morning
puts me at ease.

With my head on a tough structure,
a pulsing drum
reminating from within,
matching the beat of my own,
I fall asleep with a smile,
having fallen into old habits.

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