personal metaphor | Teen Ink

personal metaphor

May 15, 2015
By MeganRut SILVER, Hartford, Wisconsin
MeganRut SILVER, Hartford, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am moss on a tree

There was a tree.
Through wind, rain, sun it lived.
It supported all life.
Insects, birds, squirrels lived.
Giving itself to others.
Good food, shelter, air it made.

There was moss.
Through teeth, feet, floods it lived.
It stayed the same.
In birth, growth, death it lived.
Grief it was alone.
Gravel, earth, sand, it was made.

There was mutualism.
Through day, night, year they lived.
Linked to the tree.
It protected, camouflaged, united they lived.
Grateful for each other.
Gleeful, constant, open together they were made.

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