Angels | Teen Ink


May 16, 2015
By Muricaa__ BRONZE, Cicero, Illinois
Muricaa__ BRONZE, Cicero, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking down the sand with my one and only, the angels looking down at us with hatred.

The waves are in a rush to drown our love, the water is filled with jealousy and hatred.

Craving a love like our was what they wanted, they took him. They couldn't stand us being happy, not the angels or the ocean.

The waves took him in as a prisoner in  the depths of the ocean, leaving me there to suffer of the loss of my love.

Growing hatred towards the gods above me and the oceans below me.

Jealousy filled their souls, hatred clouded their minds, sadness broke my heart.

The author's comments:

This inspired me when I read a story of a young girl who loved someone very deeply, then that person died of natural causes. 

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