gay means happy | Teen Ink

gay means happy

May 21, 2015
By theillyrianwolf SILVER, Prairieville, Louisiana
theillyrianwolf SILVER, Prairieville, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stars in the sky cannot compare to the lightness of your hair,
The ocean no longer looks as blue because I have seen your eyes.
All the roses in the entire world must have gathered in your cheeks,
Your skin is like porcelain,
And you smell so sweet.

I hope when we get older,
Someday we can get married,
Adopt a little girl and boy of our own.
We can name her Amelia, and him Henry.
We can live in a big white house,
And own a little tiny cat and a great big dog.

And I hope when we get older,
People are more accepting.
I hope when we grow up,
People no longer look at us that way.
As if we are making them uncomfortable,
As if we are making them sad,
As if we are making them mad.

And I hope when we get older,
We can get married anywhere.
I hope people no longer shout
“You’re going to hell!”
As we pass.
I hope people no longer chorus
“Aww!  We support you!”
As we hold hands on the sidewalk,
Because everyone will think the occurrence is ordinary.

I hope when we get older,
People no longer call us “f**” or “d***”.
I hope when we get older,
People no longer tell us we’re sinners.
I hope when we get older,
People no longer withhold from us our rights.

I hope when we get older,
Everyone will see,
There’s nothing wrong with you or me.

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