I stitched my eyes | Teen Ink

I stitched my eyes

May 22, 2015
By coolbeans101 SILVER, South San Francisco, California
coolbeans101 SILVER, South San Francisco, California
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

After you died I stitched my
Eyes .
Before you died I told you lies
I stitched them to the tears
And all the other little fears
The lies I made for you
But just all the little things would do
Made me want to laugh
And now I miss you all and not half.
I can't forget you
Calling me lass
And now I'm at your mass
No matter how much I
My heart will never be rich
Without you I'm just a face
I feel like I lost a race
Your race
Your race of life
We were the center of each others life
You were so young
But your bell had rung
And now your time has
But our memories will always last
I will never forget those times
All those silly little rhymes
But now all I can say is you
Made a crime
Yes it is not a lie
You stole my heart and I stitched
One eye
Then I cry
I stitched my last eye
And good bye

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 6 2015 at 10:34 am
Consalvator BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
1 article 0 photos 41 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I actually liked the ryhme scheme in this one (which really surprised me because I find most ryhme scheme's overused and redundant). You had great word choice! The thing that you could most improve on in this piece is flow. It did not flow well. Other than that it was very eloquent, and presented a very heart wrenching picture. Good work! :)