Annotations | Teen Ink


May 26, 2015
By ThisAndMoreThanThis GOLD, Harvard, Nebraska
ThisAndMoreThanThis GOLD, Harvard, Nebraska
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Annotations are, in a word,
I get where you’re coming from,
But why should I have to
Conform to your prescribed way of learning?
Just because I did not mark the poem,
Does not mean that I do not  understand it.
I understand poetry better than anyone,
In this class.
I see the symbols,
The voice.
i see things where the author,
Did not attempt to put them.
Because that’s what poetry is.
It is beauty in strange places.
I understand that poem,
More than you do.
That tree
Alone on a hill,
Shrouded in darkness,
Is not just a tree,
It is a girl, fighting her way up,
Broken and bloodied,
But still standing tall.
Just because I did not write that down,
Does not mean that I don’t see that.
I know much more than you see.

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This article has 1 comment.

DarkStar said...
on Aug. 3 2015 at 7:15 am
Just because you think more than anyone else does not make you actually see more than anyone else. It's your over imaginative imagination that makes you think you are better than anyone else.