A Soldier's Life | Teen Ink

A Soldier's Life

June 7, 2015
By dlstj BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
dlstj BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Once hearing sounds full of pain and death

But now there isn’t even a sound of a breath

I realize, I am dead.

There is only darkness covering my eyes
I wish…that I had time to say some good-byes.

Dedicating my whole life to protect peace,
I am a solider.

Although many may say that I am brave,
I now am here, in the grave

I can feel the grass around me fresh and alive
and there, I see my beauty arrive.

She sits down quietly and cries
I want to rise
and smile at her
But all she does is to touch my gravestone.

I wish we were able to smile at each other
and stayed happy, just like we were.
But we cannot.

Then at least,

I hope she remembers the memories we share together
and I hope the world remembers what I fought for.

-Dedicated to all the soldiers on Earth

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired from a photography. 

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