There Was a Girl | Teen Ink

There Was a Girl

June 17, 2015
By ThisAndMoreThanThis GOLD, Harvard, Nebraska
ThisAndMoreThanThis GOLD, Harvard, Nebraska
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a girl
This girl was lonely
And sad
And felt as if she didn't have a place in the world
This girl no longer believed in love
At one point she had
But she fell too hard
And too fast
And her heart broke
Into a million tiny pieces
That she used to cut her skin
Then the girl met a boy
This boy wasn't afraid to like the girl
He never avoided her or ignored her
She no longer felt like the odd one out
Bit by bit her belief in love
Was restored
That girl loved that boy as much as any girl could love any boy
Then she grew fearsome
She feared that one day
She wouldn't love him anymore
She never wanted to hurt him
So to spare his feelings
She broke his heart
Little did she know
At the same time
She was breaking her own heart
Over time she found bits and pieces of glue
From others and from within herself
Then the boy and girl met again
This time
It was different
She was stronger
But still she was broken
He gave her an entire pot of glue
He put her heart back together
Piece by piece
And it became his
She loved him again
And she hoped that it would never change
But as things do
It did change
Everything changes
As it changes it hurts
It will never stop hurting
But hopefully one day
It will hurt a little less.

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