The Only Cloud | Teen Ink

The Only Cloud

July 25, 2015
By moglow SILVER, Cudahy, Wisconsin
moglow SILVER, Cudahy, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's put the fun in funeral!"

You are the only cloud on a sunny day.

You are the friend who never knows when to be quiet.

You are the awkward first dancer on the dance floor.

You are the long line in the cafeteria.

You are the annoying alarm clock in the morning.

You are the dreaded first day of school.


Because of you, I have shade on the hottest day of the year.

Because of you, I am never bored when I'm near you.

Because of you, I find the courage to dance.

Because of you, I become more patient.

Becasue of you, I never oversleep.

Because of you, I enjoy my summer as much as I can before it ends.

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