Don't | Teen Ink


August 13, 2015
By amanda.m BRONZE, Burnaby,
amanda.m BRONZE, Burnaby,
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
do ut des; i give so that you may give

"Don't touch the fire" they said

"You'll burn yourself" they said

But the amber glow is quite enticing no?


"Don't touch the glass" they said

"You'll cut yourself" they said

But the gleam of the shatter is appealing no?


"Don't talk so loudly" they said

"You'll wake up the other voices" they said

But the sound of my own voice is already a soft whisper


"Don't you dare fall in love" they said

"You'll hurt yourself too much" they said

But the pounding of my heart has already halted

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