Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By 6weimar SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6weimar SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I began as a child of three blonde sisters
and the daughter of two
      The grandchild of Mary and Janet,
And the great grandchild of Gigi

Growing up on carrot juice from the family juicer
making gluten free crackers that burned my chest
      Elderberry was a known cure,
To every new weeks sickness I conjured

Weekdays with Gigi spoiling me with Disney movies,
and sneaking chocolate treats because she was half blind
      To the hammock that shaped my arm into an S,
And trips to three lakes to pick raspberries

Living on a lake is as far back as I remember
except for the times I almost drowned, twice
      Eating those God-awful red beats,
To easter eggs filled with dog treats

Taking trips to the pacific and Atlantic oceans
until the time my mom got sick
      Lymes disease with no cure,
Her body drained of happiness and energy

The girl whose elbow ended up in my back
and the kidney that was lacerated from her
      The coaches who didn't believe in me,
And the potential that one coach could see

I am now the only kid here,
and the grandchild of Janet,
    Things changed since the time of fun,
Soon no child is left at home

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