Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By DKahle1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
DKahle1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from two brothers,
double my age.
From a family, musically gifted,
so major and minor chords rang.
I am from guitar strings strummed,
and drums playing along.
From Folds, Foo Fighters, and Foreigner.
To Matthews, Mraz, and all the Marleys.

I am from tailgating,
joined by adults who have had three beers too many.
From the kids’ table,
banished to the basement to watch the game.
I am from “Danny Sandwiches,”
when linemen sat on the ten year old me.
From being the youngest,
until tiny Tyler came along...

I am from mounting skateboards down hills,
and scooting across the blacktop.
From acquiring the ability to pedal,
to make rides to Sweet Dreams.
I am from the Bug Line,
on tandem bikes.
I am from fishing on Somo,
and catching my first walleye

Now years passed,
the brothers moved.
Now it’s my turn,
to play my farewell song.

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