The Rhetoric of His Appearance | Teen Ink

The Rhetoric of His Appearance

September 21, 2015
By ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
ListenToTheNonsense320 PLATINUM, Hallandale Beach, Florida
44 articles 4 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Beatrice Evelyn Hall.
"Stones are raw, they blunt my paw, but words will never hurt me." (The Sight, David Clement-Davies) And many more...

My boyfriend came to me with this question for an assignment and neither of us knew what it meant.
But, as he began to work on the rhetoric of his appearance for class, I begin to work on my own.
If I think about it now, I simply cannot judge him on his appearance because I know him by now.
The only ways he can persuade me with his appearance is that he’s attractive, that I love him,  and to forgive him when he makes me angry.
So I decided to look further back, when it was the rhetoric of his appearance that drew me to him.
Back on a January when he was a stranger to me, he persuaded me first with his looks and then with his words.
What was the rhetoric of his appearance?
Well, he was smiling with his friends so he appeared friendly, approachable enough to ask him a question.
Then we parted ways and there he was again, this time more quiet. Perhaps I should keep my distance.
We parted ways once more and when we met each other for the third time that day he was charming.
As I began to spend the next three days with him the rhetoric of his appearance was shyness, kindness, silliness, innocence.
As we got closer in that time he persuaded me with his smile, his relaxed expression, his genuineness.
The rhetoric of his appearance made my heart beat faster.
The rhetoric of his appearance is a laid back gamer that keeps to himself.
The rhetoric of his appearance is stubborn and quick to anger.
The rhetoric of his appearance is loving and caring.
The rhetoric of his appearance is innocent and slow.
The rhetoric of his appearance is stubborn and dedicated.
The rhetoric of his appearance is talented and brilliant.

The rhetoric of his appearance is different for me than it is to others, because the rhetoric of his appearance when he’s with me is unique, shown only to me.
And that’s why, the rhetoric of his appearance makes me love him.

The author's comments:

I explained how I came to write this piece at the beginning of the poem. His assignment put into perspective how I perceive him and allowed me to look back to when we first met as well.

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