Up North | Teen Ink

Up North

October 9, 2015
By NathanielT.Hart BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
NathanielT.Hart BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the woods, the cars, from don’t drive if you can’t fix. I am from the small town that nobody cares about. I am from my parents growing up with yours. I am from don’t start if you don’t plan on finishing. I am from the trails, big trucks and the weekend mud boggs. From being strapped in to a metal box sitting next four car batteries. Hearing the engine roar to life and the smoke rolling out the stacks that protrude your hood.  From looking past where your windshield would be and seeing nothing but a mud hole. There you are pinning the pedal down flying into the mud you don’t lay off one bit mud flinging from your tires painting your truck as if it’s a canvas. From the don’t quit pin it harder. I am the kid with different priorites.

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