Attachment | Teen Ink


October 12, 2015
By lisaxngel BRONZE, Chester, New York
lisaxngel BRONZE, Chester, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

To feel love is to feel attachment -

to feel that your happiness depends, entirely, on another;

as if your heart no longer belongs to

you -

as if you do not own your own emotions

those that froth and foam in your mind.

Belonging, instead, to the sweetheart to whom you are smiling at

with great blushing affection -

sometimes painful, at times


sometimes astoundingly pleasant.

A surprise, a joy, a blissful comfort,

in tangled limbs and whispered words, in loving -

love, a strange attachment,

a conversation between hungry hearts.

Giving your heart away,


naively, it will be safe --

The author's comments:

Just a little thing I wrote a few weeks ago. I hope people understand the pull and tug that is love, the adoration and emotions, the mixed feelings.. etc.

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