Living In The Dark | Teen Ink

Living In The Dark

October 21, 2015
By HayHay16 GOLD, Middleton, Idaho
HayHay16 GOLD, Middleton, Idaho
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Without music there is no point of living"~unknown

Living in the dark it’s the worst thing  in the world
You're alone,all by yourself there’s no one there for you
You feel worthless,useless,and like you’re just a waste of space.
You fake a smile,fake being happy around your friends so they don’t see how you really feel
But your TRUE Friends see through your faked smile and try to help you but you tell them you’re fine and they don’t believe you,
So you tell them what's bothering you and they try to help you out and tries to help you feel better.
But what they don’t know is you're never really gonna be ok or fine fully because of the pain and emotions you’ve bottled up inside all these years,
It’s never really all coming out either because it takes a lot for me to finally break,I rarely cry I’m so emotionally strong.
It takes a lot to push me to the breaking point,to where all my emotions finally all to explode out.It doesn’t
happen a lot.I can’t talk to a lot of people around me about it either.You can’t escape the darkness
It just surrounds you and swallows you up .It’s just one big blank of darkness,anyone who ever enters the darkness can’t escape.
They might be able to if that one person comes along and they are your light to escape the dark abyss known as depression or stress.                                      

The author's comments:

This Poem is about what it's like for some people I know and for me.Because sometimes i feel this way.

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