Haircut | Teen Ink


October 21, 2015
By WillR15 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
WillR15 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A haircut isn't just a haircut.
It defines you.
It's out with the old and in with the new.
Are you very daring? Or playing it safe.
How will you cut it today?
From afro to combover,
brown to blonde,
Everyone has their signature cut.
The cut that says,"I'm me."

But it's not just the head that needs a trim,
sometimes the face should make people grin.
Handlebar mustache or lumberjack beard,
we always know when a shave is near.
But a beard isn't for all,
So maybe a mullet for the fall.
A new hairstyle is always on call.

And for those who don't cut their hair,
and will never feel the barbers chair.
That feeling of newness.
The new you complete.
A freshness that rarely gets beat.
But hey, it's your style,
to grow it out for a while.

Let us not forget why are there.
The reason we sit in the barber's chair.
The purpose of a cut, without doubt:
Is so girls check me out.

The author's comments:

My dog got a haircut and it seemed like a good time to write a poem. Plus it was due the next day.

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