Gladiator--One Man Stands Tall | Teen Ink

Gladiator--One Man Stands Tall

December 1, 2015
By t_orlando3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
t_orlando3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Fighting back the queasy feel inside his stomach
a man fears no beast.
Waiting with patient eyes for for further instruction,
his blade grasped tight.
he steps onto the battlefield,
his eyes gazing his enemy.
Raising his shield in defense,
he stands tall as the beast approached.
he attacks with authority and might,
for he knows one mistake could end his life.
Thrusting his shiny blade into the dense coat of the beast,
it collapses.  Limp…like a leaf fallen from its tree.
As he looks down upon God’s creation,
he knows he has not breathed his last.
He raises his arms high in the clouds,
fallen on one knee…he praises God.

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