Dedication to Jon Hughes part II | Teen Ink

Dedication to Jon Hughes part II

December 10, 2015
By bboicee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
bboicee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop."-Luke Garroway, TMI

Pretty in Pink
She looked pretty in pink
to the point where I couldn’t think.
She was dancing with her best friend
but for me I knew that would end.
So I walked across the room and said,
     “You said you couldn’t be with someone
who didn’t believe in you.
   Well I believed in you.
   I just didn’t believe in me.
   I love you, always.”

And with that I left my girl
with that mesmerizing pink dress and her hair in a twirl
standing in the middle of that dance floor.
I hoped and hoped she’d follow me out the door.
Minutes passed and I see her.
       I see her and I kiss her in that parking lot.
Gosh, she was so pretty in pink.

The Breakfast Club
“Spend a little more time
trying to make something of yourself
and a little less time
trying to impress people.”

Who knew such words would have such impact
on the basketcase,




and the criminal.

Who knew that Saturday detention
carved new memories and new lessons
for these random teenagers in high school.

All their own individual but together,
     the Breakfast Club.

Sixteen Candles
When you don’t have anything,
you don’t have anything to lose.

I am in love with a someone
but I am nothing but a no one.
A no one who’s birthday
has no importance except maybe
to that someone some day.
Sixteen candles were all I wanted,
I thought I was worth that much.
But suddenly I was noticed,
noticed by that certain someone.
I finally got my sixteen candles
and I finally got my love.
Love from my family and
that someone.
Someone named Jake Ryan.

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