Starry Night | Teen Ink

Starry Night

December 15, 2015
By maroon5fan123456 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
maroon5fan123456 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bright across the top
Dark across the bottom
Making the trees and the rolling hills pop
Swift colors
Paving their way left to right
Smoothing over the canvas
With falling moonlight
They create a gentle breeze that flows
As if I were there
Experiencing it tickle my nose
It was the first piece of art I ever saw
And I knew that I wouldn’t forget it at all

The author's comments:

Van Gogh's Starry Night is my favorite piece of art. I wanted to express what I felt the first time I saw his painting of Starry Night.

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