Goodbye Old Friend | Teen Ink

Goodbye Old Friend

December 9, 2015
By dpowell3543 PLATINUM, Topeka, Kansas
dpowell3543 PLATINUM, Topeka, Kansas
24 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you're not willing to die for the ones you love, your life isn't worth living at all.

A great man once said,
Don’t worry so much,
Just look at the summer’s sky,
And make your life as spectacular as he did.
So we shall.
On our hardest days, we’ll look up into the sky,
And reach for the stars.
We’ll make our dreams come true.
Even with him gone.
Even though he left without a word.
He will always be in our heart,
Inspiring us to do the best we can.
We may not have the laughs he graciously gave us,
We may not be able to fly,
We can’t grant wishes,
Nor do we have his flubber.
But we do have his memory,
And nothing will ever take that from us.
There is nothing more precious,
than what he has done for us.
There is nothing more beautiful,
than the memory of Robin Williams.
He was a good friend,
A true friend,
And I speak for all of us when I say…
Goodbye old friend.

He will be missed,
As much as he was loved.
And he will be loved, forever.
Never before has the whole world cried,
Together… we all cried.
We wish Genie could bring him back,
We wish we could all play one last round of Jumanji,
Or one last game of pretend,
Or maybe even take one last stroll through the museum.
He was a big part of our lives.
Robin Williams left a print on all of our hearts,
And there it will remain for as long as we live.
No one could ever replace him.
He never lost his spark of madness,
And we’ve never had a friend like him.
But now he’s free.
And so I shall say for us all…
Goodbye old friend.

The author's comments:

"You're only given a little spark of Madness. You musn't lose it."

- Robin Williams.


R.I.P Robin Williams. Give god a good laugh.


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