Always Think | Teen Ink

Always Think

December 24, 2015
By 2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
The best fights won are the fights not fought.

I used to always think
ever since we met

What can I do to make you like me more?
What can I do to make you hug me more?

I use to always think,
always think…

What if i became transparent like water?
You could see all of me...
But no
Then I’d slip through your fingers and wouldn’t
be able to be hugged.

What if i became intense like lightning?
I could protect you from anything that attacks you...
But no
Then you’d be afraid and I wouldn’t be able
to be by your side anymore.

What if i became passionate like fire?
I could snuggle you anytime you’re cold...
But no
Then I might become too happy and
accidentally burn you.

What if I shine like the light?
No matter how dark the road is, I could brighten it for you...
But no
Then I’d be the only one to stand out and you’d
Become a shadow

What if I became silent like darkness?
I wouldn't be able to come to the surface normally,
but I can support you from where I can’t...
But no
then you might forget about me.

What If I became calm like nature?
I could kindly hold you when you were feeling down...
But no
Then I couldn’t be spoiled anymore.

What I became brave like ice?
We could occasionally fight with all our might
and both become stronger…
But no
I’d melt when you buried me in your arms.

Then it was time to wake up

I thought and thought
then I received these words from you
“Even if you don’t try that hard, you’re the one I love most”
I was so so happy

I love you the most too

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