Normal | Teen Ink


December 25, 2015
By RhiPent BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
RhiPent BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Susse

What is normal?
Is it opening a bottle of apple cider on New Year’s Day.
Is it lying in a bed you're not familiar with because you move so much you can’t remember your last good night's sleep.

What is normal?
Is it buying a box of chocolates for that special somebody
Is it sitting in a corner at lunch alone because you can’t seem to find the calmness and courage to even hello.

What is normal?
Is it wearing the lucky color green on St. Patty’s Day
Is it wearing the same t-shirt you wear everyday because that’s all you can afford, and the pinches that remind you you’re poor.

What is normal?
Is it getting dressed in your Sunday best waiting for the Easter Bunny
Is it praying to God that hopefully today will be the day that he takes Mommy up to be with him
to rest at last.

What is normal?
Is it waiting for that last bell to ring so you can take off in the summer heat
Is it resenting the bell because it marks yet another summer trying to provide for kids you didn’t have but still do.

What is normal?
Is it showing your Father the present you made for him
Is it showing your Dad things that should never be shown and just hoping that one day maybe his hand won’t sting so much when it strikes you hard.

What is normal?
Is it shooting off fireworks with family and friends and watching the colors light up the sky
Is it watching the alcohol go, watching from a locked bathroom at what it’s like to be normal.

What is normal?
Is it what society wants us to think
Is it more, does it have more to do with a person rather than the “social normality” games that we play to become just that, absolutely


The author's comments:

No person is the same, and even if the situation is the same who's to tell us that we would all act the same. This poem to me is like reminding the world that we all aren't the same; showing the world we aren' just copies. It reminds not only the world, but me that some people aren't as strong or are stronger than just one person. We are unique like flowers in a field.

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