Chasing Dreams | Teen Ink

Chasing Dreams

January 1, 2016
By LexiSully GOLD, Beavercreek, Ohio
LexiSully GOLD, Beavercreek, Ohio
17 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.<br /> -William Wordsworth

She strolled down a winding pathway, admiring the brightly colored roses, listening to the loud chirping of the birds

As she walked, she hummed a tune of joy and followed the path marking on a map, just to reassure herself that she was heading in the right direction

Around a turn to the left she went, then back to the right, as her pace sped up with every step

But then the beautiful path that's she'd been following for so long fell into a babbling creek, only to continue on the other side

Had she, excited for her long journey, mistaked this path with the one she wished to take?

"No," she decided, for she checked the path a million times before beginning, and she was positive she had journeyed on the correct one

Should she give up on her journey, only to turn around and go home?

"No," she told herself, for how could she live with herself if she gave up on her dream?

But how will she, small and dainty, cross the sputtering creek that lays before her?

She gazed at the creek in front of her, considering walking alongside it until she reached a spot where she could walk across

"No," she determined, for there was no way of knowing whether there'd be a break in the flood of water, and even if there was, she'd be lost in the forest, continuously searching for the path

She glanced from left to right, searching for something to aid her in crossing the creek

To the left of the path, she noticed flat stones, the exact size of her foot

"Yes!" she exclaimed, as she set them in the creek and skipped across them

She was back on her way, strolling down the pathway, headed towards her dreams.

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