An Open Letter To Mom | Teen Ink

An Open Letter To Mom

January 4, 2016
By T_Few BRONZE, Winnsboro, South Carolina
T_Few BRONZE, Winnsboro, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ll keep it simple:
Where. The. Heck. Were.  You.
When I was alone
with no one to hug
and no one to tell me it’s all right?
You sent me with my aunt
No wait, the government did
(But we’ll get to that)
My aunt is apathetic towards me.
She doesn’t care, and you don’t either.
You. Left. For. Good.
How am I supposed to live for
When all I have to remember you by is:
A picture of a birthday I don’t even remember
A Bible that looked neglected
A wallet you had, full of expired cards
and… happy hour tabs.
Why. Did. You. Have. To. Drink.
We could’ve been together.
We could’ve been a family.
We could’ve been… happy.
But. You. Had. To. Drink.
And off I was shipped.
To an aunt that takes care
of a husband that is growing too old to function.
To an aunt full of strict rules
To an aunt that kept me in a room
and away from the outside world
I was alone with a bunch of books
and my schoolwork.
You were probably drinking when it happened
When you died.
I grew up reading the word
That’s. What. You. Are. To. Me.

The author's comments:

This work was inspired by my experiences with my mother, and the stages of grief I went through while trying to overcome her death. This is mainly based on the anger I felt after she passed, but is not true at all. This is a work of fiction.

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